Tours de Farce: How’s That Again?
While no one’s quite sure, the latest poll seems to indicate that there has definitely been a tell-tale shift indicating a pronounced movement in a particular direction, but how it will affect the routings for Ron Sexsmith and Big Head Todd & The Monsters has yet to be determined.
But most experts predict that the shift, or movement in position, thereby vacating a previous position or location in favor of favoring a new location or position, will definitely impact the upcoming tours for Martin Simpson, Graham Colton and Clutch. Furthermore, there is a growing belief that no matter what this latest development means, The Vines and Need New Body will probably go along with those who favor the direction, while Glasseater and Bowling For Soup will do just the opposite. Or as the Italians say; Concime Del Cavallo!
Confused? You’re not alone. Or as one self-proclaimed expert recently stated on Fox News: “The latest numbers indicate that a large percentage polled clearly identify with one side of the issue, while even a larger percentage takes the opposing view.” Furthermore, the pundit explained; “What’s more, a large yet vocal minority clearly outnumbers either side when asked the right questions, leading one to surmise that the latest information may play a part in determining the schedules for Martin Carthy and Yes, but not Tim Mahoney or Wynonna. Or as the Germans say; Stier Düngemittel.”
Heady words, for sure. But as they say in Spain, Heces Del Caballo, meaning that opinions have been known to change overnight, a regular occurrence that seems to take place daily, signifying that outlooks may differ within a 24 hour period. Moreover, when one factors in the variables of what might or might not take place tomorrow or the day after today, the entire infrastructure might dramatically change, thereby tweaking the schedules for artists such as Alice Cooper or bands like Mustard’s Retreat and The Verve Pipe.
What does it all mean? If there is one conclusion to be drawn from all the data put forth, including the listings for Chris Smither and Elvin Bishop, it is that there are multiple opinions, beliefs and estimations regarding the latest developments. However, whether those developments develop into something has yet to be seen.
Or as the French say; Crap De Cheval!