Shangri-La For Juggalos
Each venue is an all ages show and cameras are being allowed, although video cameras, digital cameras, and “anything that could be mistaken for them” are not allowed. More shows are expected to be added in the States, Europe and Australia.
Fans can expect to see the Posse sporting new looks. For the first time in their career, the Clowns will be sporting different face paint. Instead of black and white in a fixed pattern, the colors will change within a black outline as mood, hair and clothing dictates. As they say, more changes will “mark this chaotic and volatile era as it unfolds.” Consider yourselves warned.
Of course, that chaos comes with the end of the group’s Joker Card series. According to ICP lore, the band was visited by the Carnival Spirit in 1991 and ordered to carry word of the impending apocalypse by touring the nation, spreading their message and releasing six Joker Cards with successive revelations of the final judgement – the “cards” being albums.
The sixth and final installment, The Wraith: Shangri-La, was released last November and features a choice of one of two bonus DVDs: the gold sticker contains ICP live in concert at the Gathering of the Juggalos 2002 event and the silver sticker contains footage from the band’s seminar at the same event.
Speaking of Gathering of the Juggalos, the event has been a successful notch on the band’s collective belt. Since 2000, the Posse have been gathering their fans together for weekend-long conventions featuring a mix of concerts, games, contests, seminars and everything Insane.
Some of the Posse’s other boasts include having one of the longest running records in Billboard Top 200 history; a full-length motion picture; Juggalo Championship Wrestling (JCW), the second highest grossing wrestling organization in the U.S.; careers in the WWE, WCW and ECW; and their own record label, Psychopathic Records.