Daily Pulse

Drug Relapse For Love?

Courtney Love has been charged with violating her probation by using an unidentified narcotic, while the erstwhile grunge diva insists she’s been “clean and sober” for more than a year.

La Love has been ordered to appear in court later this month to address the allegation she was under the influence of a controlled substance at a Hollywood industry party, reportedly for fellow rocker Liz Phair, in July.

Superior Court Judge Rand S. Rubin issued a bench warrant for her arrest August 10th, but agreed to hold it pending an August 19th hearing. The judge also asked for a report from Love’s drug counselor.

“I’m certainly not happy with what’s going on,” Rubin said.

If it’s found that Love violated probation, it could mean a county jail term of up to a year. But a Los Angeles District Attorney’s spokesperson told Rolling Stone that “some sort of treatment program” is much more likely.

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