Daily Pulse

Radio City Contract Talks Linger

Contract talks between union representatives for the musicians and management of New York’s Radio City Music Hall were put on hold November 14th but were expected to resume a couple days later.

Negotiators have been trying resolve a labor dispute that has replaced a live orchestra with pre-recorded music for the venue’s Christmas Spectacular.

The talks began at the suggestion of New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who offered the negotiation table at his official residence and a moderator.

Although the city cannot get involved in private labor negotiations, Bloomberg told reporters, “it’s in the city’s interest to have companies succeed and people working, and to have the great events that bring tourists to this city continue.”

The mayor added that both sides declined the city’s help earlier but told him, “that if by [November 11th] they could not come to a resolution, then they would accept the city’s offer to provide a venue and a moderator.”

Radio City Music Hall said in a statement: “We continue to meet with Local 802 (of the American Federation of Musicians) to reach a new collective bargaining agreement, however, we will not negotiate in the media.”

The labor dispute – which focuses on salaries and overtime pay – led to the cancellation of two pre-season Christmas Spectacular performances November 2nd. The venue has chosen to move forward with the show using pre-recorded music.

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