Arrow Rock Hits Bull’s-eye
After Holland’s Arrow Rock Festival hit the bull’s-eye by pulling 50,000 punters over a couple of days,
During the event’s four-year history, he’s continually been forced to tamper with the format in a bid to establish it as one of Europe’s top classic rock events.
He’s juggled between running a one- or two-dayer but seems to have settled on a plan to take stock of the talent available before deciding on the length of the festival.
This year his aim looks to have been spot-on. Arrow Rock got 20,000 more than it did for the 2004 two-dayer.
Trommelen’s had a hot June as
Among the classic rockers appearing at Lichtenvoorde June 9-10, which is in the east and only just short of the Dutch-German border, were
– John Gammon