George Michael For Rover’s Return
A few of the cast from the popular TV soap opera were backstage to meet him on the opening night and the paper said he’ll be going back to the local Granada studios to shoot a cameo role.
If the pop idol does happen to wander into The Rover’s Return, the program’s centerpiece boozer, it will presumably be before all U.K. pubs become no-smoking zones in the summer.
MENA general manager John Knight echoed the words of several European promoters, including Flemming Schmidt of Denmark’s DKB Concertpromotion and Chrissie Uerlings from Germany’s Peter Rieger, by saying Michael’s show was one of the best they’ve seen for a long time.
He described it as “a stunning performance” and said it was “one of the best in the venue’s 11-year history.” Following on from Manchester shows (November 17-21), Michael played more full houses at Glasgow
— John Gammon