It’s Getting Beta All The Time
Yes, thank you for your patience, your diligence, your suggestions and your comments. Beta testers are often the unsung heroes in any Web site makeover, but it’s the Betazoids who test, test, test, until it’s done, done, done.
It’s beta testers like yourself that make us see what needs fine-tuning, what needs adjusting and what needs tossing on the junk pile. You may not realize it, but so far the Pollstar.com beta test has yielded much food for thought, a veritable banquet of ideas, concepts and suggestions.
What’s more, we’re even thinking of making those suggestions reality. Here’s what we’re working on this week:
We transferred users’ Auto-Notify artist lists before the beta test started, but now we’re working on transferring users’ Auto-Notify venue lists.
We’re also working on a feature allowing you to limit your Auto-Notifies to the distance you’re willing to travel for a concert. You’ll find that in the “Edit Profile” feature on your MyPollstar page.
Speaking of Auto-Notifies, you can now list up to 99 favorite Auto-Notifies.
We’ve also received many comments regarding browser compatibility. Don’t worry. Our programmers are on it like ugly on an ape.
In the weeks to come:
Our programmers are also hard at work making searching more intelligent. No, that doesn’t mean you’ll find schedules for more intelligent artists and bands. But it will make your searching of the Pollstar.com tour database much easier.
Our coders are also working up a feature that will give you the ability to view concert schedules on your MyPollstar page based on what’s on your Auto-Notify list. Sure, it’s a big job, but that’s why God created Red Bull.
Plus, our programmers will provide FAQs and user manuals. We actually planned to introduce these features upon the launch of the beta test but had trouble translating the text from our programmers’ native Esperanto into English. But it’s coming! Or maybe we should say sed ghia coming!
One more thing: Feel free to invite your friends to try out the new Pollstar.com beta site. Just send them to live.pollstar.com.
Nobody said beta testing was easy. But you’ve made it easier than we could ever imagine. With your help, your brains and our steroid-induced programming brawn, together we’ll make the new Pollstar.com the best concert site … ever!
Or the best doggoned concert site until we launch a makeover of the new site. Sometimes we just don’t know when to quit.