Daily Pulse

Mary Jane Found At MJ’s House

Marijuana was found at the mansion Michael Jackson rented up until he died, according to a newly released search warrant.

The warrant also indicated black tar heroin was found at the moonwalker’s residence, but that claim was quickly disputed. The Los Angeles Times blog L.A. Now reported that a newly released search warrant indicated police found marijuana and black tar heroin at Jackson’s house.

However, only minutes after posting the new information, the blog said sources close to the investigation say the substance thought to be heroin was tested and “the results came back negative.”

The substance listed in the warrant as heroin was discovered in Jackson’s bedroom, which was off-limits to everyone but Jackson and his children. The reefer was found in an unspecified area.

According to the search warrant, members of Jackson’s family discovered the substance thought to be heroin and told the coroner’s office, resulting in police searching the house and discovering two baggies of marijuana.

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