Drug Bust Could Close Shed
The 908-capacity
Longtime owner Robin Jones is facing charges for alleged cultivation, possession and distribution of marijuana, according to the Rocky Mountain Collegian, along with alleged possession of Ecstasy.
Because the amphitheatre is not included in a civil suit involving Jones and the federal government, the
Jones was arrested last August after a burglary in a facility near the amphitheatre led to Sheriff’s deputies uncovering hundreds of marijuana plants on the property.
“Everyone knows that Mishawaka has been involved with drugs for a long time,” Josh Sheldon, lead investigator on the case for the Larimer County Sheriff’s Office, told the Collegian.
The federal government has filed asset forfeiture against Jones in an effort to gain possession of Jones’ house and marijuana growing equipment but, “All parties agreed the amphitheatre would not be a part of the agreement,” a spokesman for the U.S. Attorney’s Office said.