Last Sunday the 24-year-old singer brought four gay veterans to the MTV Music Video Awards as her dates. On Monday she appeared on “Ellen” asking Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to repeal the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy. The pop star has now posted a seven-and-a-half minute YouTube video addressing the senate and her fans about DADT.

The black and white video, which was posted to the singer’s website, Facebook account and Twitter page, features Gaga in front of a U.S. flag, dressed in a conservative ensemble including a dark tie, white collared shirt and dark blazer.

Lady Gaga explains the impact of the DADT policy, urges the Senate to repeal the policy and encourages fans to get involved by contacting their representatives.

“‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ is a law that was created in 1993 that prevents gays from serving openly in the military,” Gaga says. “Since then, 14,000 Americans have been discharged from the armed forces, refused the right to serve their country and sent home, regardless of honorable service or how valuable they may have been to their units.”

Lady Gaga says she is “here to be a voice for my generation. Not the generation of the senators who are voting, but for the youth of this country – the generation that is affected by this law and whose children will be affected.”

Here’s what she has to say to the Senate:

“We are not asking you to agree with or approve the moral implications of homosexuality. We’re asking you to do your job, to protect the Constitution. As Majority Leader Harry Reid said, ‘Anyone who is willing to fight for this country should have the same civil opportunities to do so as anyone else. It is my belief that no one person is any more valuable than another.’

“Senators, when you’re sending our men and women into war, when you’re sending our wives, husbands, sons and daughters into combat, will you honor their service? Will you support repealing this law on Tuesday and pledge to them that no American’s life is more valuable than another?

During the video Lady Gaga tries unsuccessfully to leave messages with New York Democrats Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand but the Senators’ voice mailboxes are full.

The singer says she won’t stop calling the Senators in her district until she can leave a message asking her representatives to “vote with Senators Harry Reid and Carl Levin to repeal ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ and oppose John McCain’s shameless filibuster.”

Gaga tells fans they can reach their senators and ask them to vote to repeal “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” by logging onto or calling (202) 224-3121.

On Tuesday the Senate is set to vote on the annual Defense Department Authorization bill, which includes language that would revoke the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy. Last spring the U.S. House of Representatives voted to repeal the policy. Earlier this month a federal judge declared that DADT violates the 1st Amendment and due process rights of lesbians and gay men.

Click here for Lady Gaga’s website.