Pollstar Concert Awards Voting

As a Pollstar subscriber, you will soon receive an email invitation to vote online for the 2010 Pollstar Concert Industry Awards.

However …

We’re using a third party program for the survey, or balloting, called Survey Monkey. Although the voting invitation will appear to be from [email protected], it is delivered through the Survey Monkey servers. If you have ever “opted out” from any questionnaire delivered by Survey Monkey, you will not receive the invitation to vote without changing your status.

Please, take 20 seconds and go here to unblock your email address so you can receive your unique invitation to vote. If you are unsure of a previous “opt-out,” please use the link and enter your email address in the “unblock” area. You can then opt-out again after voting.

The email containing the link to your personal ballot will be sent on November 12.

Again, here is the link: http://www.surveymonkey.com/OptOut.aspx