Jay-Z Supports OW$
Hova has caught some attention today because of the “Occupy All Streets” shirt. It’s a cool twist on the OWS moniker, but the price tag has been considered a bit much for an already very, very rich entertainer. And a spokesman for Jay-Z’s Rocawear, which is selling the product, told Business Insider none of the money goes to support the cause – or, rather, at least there has not been “an official commitment to monetarily support the movement.”
It doesn’t help that Jason Shelowitz, a New York art director who has designed several OWS signs, has been distributing his creations for free and recently had to contend with online store Oxgraphics, which apparently sold exact replicas of his work for proft.
“To make a profit off of it is so disgusting … Once we made these, we both agreed we’d be happy to share. I didn’t think we had to say ‘not for personal financial gain,” Shelowitz told Business Insider:
Oh, and of course, someone else already thought of the expression.