Springsteen Finishes ‘Twist & Shout’ … In Dublin
After walking out on stage, Springsteen flipped a prop power switch while saying, “Before we were so rudely interrupted,” as the band launched into the last minute of “Twist & Shout,” reports London’s Guardian. Of course, that’s the song he was playing with Paul McCartney Saturday night at Hyde Park during the Hard Rock Calling festival when the sound was turned off due to the show running over curfew.
Later during last night’s gig Springsteen & Co. were interrupted when two men dressed as police walked out on stage trying to stop the show. But it was all in fun. According to Springsteen chronicler Backstreets.com, the faux cops are friends of Springsteen.
The show resumed with Springsteen holding up a sign proclaiming, “Only the Boss says when to pull the plug.”
As to Saturday’s curfew-breaking performance, London paper The Mirror quoted an unidentified source saying Springsteen had been warned about the dangers of breaking London’s 10:30 p.m. curfew.
“It was made crystal clear to Bruce that the end of the show was 10:15 p.m. with a 15 minute period for an encore,” the source said.
The paper also quoted Hard Rock Calling director / Live Nation exec John Probyn as saying his people had warned
“We’ve worked out with Madonna’s people what time she needs to go on stage to finish on time.”
Evidently Maddy toed the curfew line. The Express reports her Tuesday night show at London’s Hyde Park wrapped up with “almost three minutes to spare.”