Daily Pulse

Split Brings The UK

Shanghai-based promoter Split Works announced on its affiliated website, China Music Radar, that it has formed an “ongoing partnership” with UK Now and the British Council to bring four British bands to China between now and the end of the year.

Each of the four groups will represent one of the United Kingdom’s four countries.

According to the announcement, the groups will embark on “customized journeys” of certain regions of the People’s Republic and “fully immerse themselves” in daily lives and local culture for the purpose of “incorporating [them] into each musical performance along the way.”

Gallops, of Wales, started its tour of “the industrial heart” of China July 15, while the band And So I Watch You From Afar will tackle “the Western lands at a later date.”

Fence Collective gets to travel “the Silk Road” and Jamie Woon will see “the sparkling North.”

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