ACL Looking To Expand

C3 Presents, which produces the Austin City Limits Music Festival, is in talks with local officials to extend the popular fest by an extra weekend starting next year. If the plan passes muster, the proposed dates are Oct. 4-6 and 11-13.

While the company is still hammering out with the city details of any expansion before making a formal announcement, it is offering to sweeten the pot with an increase in the amount of money it donates annually to improve Austin parks.

Between festival dates, the Great Lawn of Zilker Park would remain open to park users. C3 has also offered to pay for additional security and cleanup crews in adjoining neighborhoods, according to Austin’s Statesman-American.

Included in the proposed increase is an amount “in the millions” to help renovate and maintain Auditorium Shores, a riverside open space southeast of ACL’s Zilker Park home, C3 partner Charlie Jones told the paper.

“There are still many details to work through,” a C3 spokeswoman told Pollstar in confirming the discussions. “At the same time, we are also in discussions about the renovation of Auditorium Shores.

“The improvement to the park are vital to the longevity of future events, those produced by C3 as well as other entities. …We are thrilled to work with the [Austin parks department] to restore Auditorium Shores to a lush green space for Austin.”

The Auditorium Shores locale isn’t used for ACL, but C3 produced the recent Austin Food & Wine Festival there, and high temperatures, dry grass and big crowds combined to create unpleasant conditions, according to the Statesman-American.

The city would apparently welcome the help. Austin Parks Director Sara Hensley told the paper that her department currently does not have the money to overhaul Auditorium Shores, but a cash infusion would go toward new grass, irrigation system restrooms and possibly a food concession space.

C3 Presents said a specific amount will be announced once a cost of renovations has been determined.