Daily Pulse

D.C. Glitch Legalizes Scalping

An oversight by officials in Washington, D.C., means ticket scalping, which was prohibited in the city, is legal on public property – for the time being.

Photo: AP Photo

Previously, D.C. municipal code stated no one could “sell or offer to sell tickets from the sidewalks, streets, or public spaces anywhere in the District of Columbia for any excursion, theatrical performance, opera, ball game or any entertainment of any kind.”

But officials reworked vending regulations earlier this year, according to the Washington Post, and apparently forgot to include a section for ticket scalping.

“There was no decision made … to delete it or not include it in the code,” a spokesman for Mayor Vincent Gray told the paper. “It was basically a mistake. … Our intent was to include it.”

It is unclear exactly when the mistake occurred.

Police in the region have reportedly been informed not to make arrests for scalping.

The mayor’s spokesman added the city council is already discussing when to change the regulation.

The city council is scheduled to meet Nov. 5.

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