Ex-Teen Star David Cassidy’s NY DWI Case Near Resolution
A lawyer says a New York drunken-driving charge against 1970s teen heartthrob David Cassidy has been reduced from a felony to a misdemeanor and returned to a town court for resolution.
Cassidy was pulled over in the town of Schodack and charged with driving while intoxicated in August, when he was in upstate New York for a horse racing meet in Saratoga Springs.
The charge was a felony because Cassidy has a 2011 driving-under-the-influence conviction in his home state of Florida.
Photo: Schodack Police Department/AP
Booking mug released by the Schodack (NY) Police Department (click on image for complete photograph).
Attorney Lucas Mihuta says the 63-year-old “Partridge Family” star won’t be in Schodack court Wednesday evening because he’s in alcohol rehabilitation after a January DWI arrest in Los Angeles. Mihuta says he’ll ask the judge for an adjournment while details of a plea deal are completed.
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