Walla Walla OKs Fest Contract

The Gentlemen of the Road Stopover festival Aug. 13-15 is set to feature Foo Fighters and Mumford & Sons as well as many local and regional bands. Madison House is promoting the show.
According to contract details obtained by the local Union-Bulletin, Madison House will advance the city nearly $170,000 for police, traffic, crowd control, and emergency services associated with the event.
More specifically, Walla Walla police will receive $115,000 to provide more than 1,500 hours of commissioned officers and support staff; the fire department will receive $30,000 for nearly 700 hours of EMT services and on-site nursing support; $7,700 will go to public works crews for traffic control and maintenance; the city will get $7,000 for signage; and $10,000 will go to a damage deposit.
“This is something that has been in the works for a while,” City Attorney Tim Donaldson said of the 43-page document. “I recognize that some public opinion has been that the city has been slow to get this done, but as you can see it has been a massive amount of work that we are bringing to you tonight.”
The agreement also allows for the closure of downtown city streets during the fest and the use of a municipal golf course for camping during the show.