Daily Pulse

2024 Impact NextGen: Lisa Pallozzi

Lisa Pallozzi
Assistant General Manager, Saratoga Performing Arts Center

Some people resist change. Lisa Pallozzi, assistant general manager at Saratoga Performing Arts Center in Upstate New York, one of the most popular outdoor venues in the U.S., embraces it.

“Growing up in a time of constant change has made me open to trying new approaches Working in the ever-evolving entertainment industry is exciting because it offers endless opportunities to learn and grow,” she says. “The absolute best thing about working at SPAC is the pure beauty of it. Even after 11 years, I still pinch myself about this being my ‘office.’” This is an older historic building, so there’s always an opportunity to enhance it, but it makes every day different and makes it a truly unique venue.”

With career highlights that include attending the Grammy Awards with the Atlanta Chapter of the Recording Academy and hosting Farm Aid at Saratoga Performing Arts Center in 2024, Pallozzi said live music captivated her early on in life.

“Sugarland’s message of following your dreams inspired me to pursue this path,” Pallozzi said. “After college, I moved to Atlanta to fully immerse myself in the industry, and I’ve been dedicated to it ever since.”

Pallozzi feels she has plenty to share with up-and-comers, just as her mentor and boss, John Huff showed her the ropes.

“Having had mentors who believed in me and gave me opportunities to grow, I’m committed to paying it forward,” she said. “I’ve been mentoring a few young professionals this season, and I’m glad to be a part of their live music journey.” Her advice for newbies, especially those in operations: “Embrace the hard work and long hours.”

“Being interested and willing to absorb it all and put in the hours is how you set yourself apart from everyone else who wants to be in the industry,” she said. “Dedication, resilience and perseverance are necessary. Stay focused on your dreams, be persistent and don’t let obstacles deter you.”

Pallozzi counts John Huff, regional vice president of venue operations at Live Nation, as a mentor through the past 10 years.

“His vast industry knowledge and belief in me have made all the difference in my achievements,” she said. “This year, he nominated me to participate in Live Nation’s School of Live, which fosters my leadership skills among international colleagues while learning about the global live music industry across three countries.”

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