Canberra 3 a.m. Closure, Fee Hikes Abandoned
The Greens party refused to support it. The city’s venue operators, who spearheaded a Keep Canberra Open campaign and got 7,000 signatures on a petition, remain skeptical that this is just a ploy before an October election. It will remain lobbying for the proposals, outlined in a discussion paper, to be formally dropped. The ACT government’s plans were to combat alcohol-fueled violence.
While not adopting the 3 a.m. lockouts in New South Wales and Queensland, its plan was to increase licensing fees by 300 percent for those remaining open until 4 a.m. and 500 percent for the current opening hours of 5 a.m. This extra revenue was to be directed to greater security in the precincts, including CCTV and lighting, more cops on the beat and more public transport in the early hours.
Attorney-General Simon Corbell stated the Government would continue to work with police and venues to reduce street violence. It also intends to introduce new legislation later in the year to “lower licence fees for lower risk venues and red tape reduction for cafes.”
The Greens say that rather than penalising nightclubs, licensing reforms should encourage smaller bars, restaurants, and live music venues. It also wants the idea of a Night Mayor investigated.