White House Honors Kim Jang-hoon
Korean rock singer Kim Jang-hoon received a Volunteer Service Award from the White House June 21 during a concert at the
In recent years, Kim has donated some 15 billion won ($13 million) in proceeds from concerts in the U.S. and China to various American charities related to the Korean community.
Most recently, he donated $50,000 to an organization that treats drug addiction and $8,000 to a local church charity that works with South Korean residents. After receiving the award, Kim said he hoped his efforts would contribute to the promotion of friendship between Korea and the U.S.
After returning to Seoul, Kim held a press conference where he spoke about the award and his plan to establish a foundation to promote Dokdo Island to the world as a sovereign Korean territory. For years, the island, which lies between South Korea and Japan, has been claimed by both countries. Kim has bought advertising in American media, including the New York Times, that presents the case for Korea’s claim to the island.