The frenetic front man had barely finished the first song in the band’s set when he leaped into the air and tore his right tendon in two places on a hard landing.

“He was doing a show and jumped in the air like he usually does, landed like he usually does, and it just snapped. It was the end of the first song and the show was over,” Marvelous 3 manager Nancy Camp told Pollstar.

The show-stopping injury resulted in the cancellation of 10 dates before a scheduled break in the band’s touring schedule. Walker underwent surgery to repair the tendon at Hughson Clinic in Columbus, Ga., which specializes in sports injuries.

The torn tendon isn’t expected to slow the singer down much when Marvelous 3’s next album, Ready, Sex, Go! is released August 22, according to Camp.

“He’s healing up beautifully and making good progress,” she said. Meanwhile, Walker is more of a hobbler until he gets a walking cast in early June.

Camp reports that despite the cast and physical therapy sessions, Walker and Marvelous 3 will be ready to hit the road again in July.