Lee was released from a Los Angeles County jail Monday, May 30th, after spending five days in the pokey for violating his parole on a domestic violence conviction by drinking alcohol.

Early reports indicated the ex-Motley Crue drummer had been spotted drinking in a nightclub, and someone had tattled to the District Attorney’s office.

Turns out the tattler was Lee’s estranged wife, Pamela Anderson, according to a press release issued by Lee the day after his release from jail.

“Lee’s estranged wife, Pamela Anderson Lee of her own volition, contacted the District Attorney’s office on May 5th to inform them that her husband and she shared a glass of champagne last New Year’s Eve,” the release stated.

Anderson, the former “Baywatch” star, has reportedly dropped the “Lee” and is said to be once again on the outs with her on-again, off-again husband.

A publicist for Lee told Pollstar that Anderson, five months after the fact, took it upon herself to report her shared New Year’s toast with Lee to authorities. The publicist refused to comment about what may have prompted Anderson to make the fateful call.

Anderson appeared at a hearing regarding the incident on May 26th, at which Malibu Superior Court Judge Lawrence Mira ordered Lee to jail, extended his probation to May 26th, 2003, reinstated random drug testing and ordered him into Alcoholics Anonymous.

He is due back before Judge Mira for a progress report September 5th.