Mike D took a spill on his bicycle July 23 and was treated at St. Vincent’s Hospital in Manhattan, where he was diagnosed with fifth-degree acromioclavicular joint dislocation, according to the band’s Web site. The injury forced the Beasties and Rage Against The Machine to indefinitely postpone their fall Rhyme & Reason 2000 tour.

The surgery to repair ligaments, which were separated from his collarbone and right shoulder, will mean he’s going to have to take it easy for at least six weeks, followed by physical therapy. Philosophical as always, Mike D said, “On the real, things like these serve as our greatest teachings. The incident happened so fast and so close to my NYC home, yet it has affected so many people’s plans for the future.

“So just when we think we are in control, we are awakened to realize that is just an illusion of control that we live with. I’m just thankful that all my body parts will soon be functioning normally once again. Relatively speaking, of course.”