As expected, the Thin White Spook has added a West Coast swing to wrap up the North American leg of the outing before taking it to Europe.

He’ll start the new year January 3 at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre in Vancouver, working his way down the coast to Portland, Seattle, San Jose, Las Vegas and Santa Barbara. The dates end January 13 with a sold-out show at the Universal Amphitheatre in Los Angeles.

The tour hasn’t engendered the level of hysteria against the gloom-and-doomster as in years past, but it has gotten more interesting in recent days.

Mounted police were called to control fans November 20 in Rochester, N.Y., and on the 26th, the New York Post quoted Catholic League president William Donahue as saying Manson is “at war with Christ.” He also called for a boycott of the shock-rocker’s latest CD.

But not even bodily harm has sidelined the group. Drummer Ginger Fish suffered a hairline collarbone fracture when he tumbled over his drum kit and off a riser during a New York City concert. The November 26 injury put the drummer in the hospital overnight but wasn’t deemed serious enough for him to miss any shows.