Do you ever have one of those days when you just want to break something? The Promoter Stress Reduction kit may be just what you need to get a grip on life. Each kit comes with one 12-inch tall, anatomically correct booking agent doll, 25 needle-sharp pins and standard contracts for the biggest concerts, including Dave Matthews Band, and the Elton John / Billy Joel co-headline tour. Each doll is guaranteed to be 100 percent flammable for those “really bad days.”

Have you ever seen Jimmy Buffett or Chicago at the ? Sure you have, you just don’t recognize the new name. Everyday, famous concert venues are trading in their long-established names in exchange for cold hard cash and a corporate moniker. Now you can join in on the fun with the Facility Name Game. Your family will love renaming famous venues such as the and . Is that Zubin Meta conducting the Tidy Bowl Orchestra?

Lovers! Valentine’s Day is almost upon us and everyone knows that artist managers are society’s unsung romantics. Now you can have a personalized email, written by the managers of performers like Sting and Marilyn Manson, sent to your significant other. Your lover will be thrilled to receive email containing sensual concert industry phrases such as “door percentage,” “ticket count” and “who cares about the promoter’s cut?” Sorry, but this is for our adult customers only.

Yes, the e-store is more than just T-shirts, hats and credit card verification. It’s about great merchandise at reasonable prices, hard-to-find gifts and us making our next payroll. Buy something today!