Tours de Farce: Charitably Speaking
For over 75 years, Charities have delivered tour dates for bands like BlackHawk and The Eagles to the homeless, the disabled, and yes, even the imprisoned. For it was our founders’ basic belief that itineraries for Jerry Seinfeld and Dennis Quaid And The Sharks should not only be available to the online community, but also to those less fortunate members of society as well.
Over 8,141 strong, our volunteers make every effort to insure that everyone has the tour dates they so desperately need. Our “Dates On Wheels” program delivers fresh schedules for NOFX and Kenny Wayne Shepherd to shut-ins, while our “Dead Man Clapping” organization spreads the word on Death Row that Tanya Tucker is playing Winston-Salem on July 13 or that Brian Wilson is appearing with Paul Simon this summer.
Unheralded, often unannounced, our volunteers are familiar faces to the personnel at burn units and cancer wards throughout the world. In Toledo you might see a volunteer counseling an unwed mother with the additions to the Clint Black schedule, while in Miami our members are known for distributing the next month of tour dates for the Burt Neilson Band and The Smithereens to that city’s soup kitchens and shelters.
But we can’t do it alone. We need your help. Please support Charities the next time you go to a concert. No matter if you’re seeing U2 or Janet Jackson, we’re asking you to drop a few coins in the palm of the outstretched mechanical hand next to the sign.
It takes a lot of money to run a charity. There are bills to pay, offices to rent and company automobiles to buy. But after we pay for the pool cleaning service, the bonuses, the landscaping, and the catered lunches, we’ll deliver every remaining penny to the worthy cause of providing tour dates for Human Nature, The Oakridge Boys and Ron Jeremy’s S&M Sideshow to everyone, not just the online privileged. For we truly believe that we are put here on this Earth to help our fellow man, that we are our brother’s keeper. However, in financing our charitable operations we must keep in mind one thing, and one thing only.
Charity begins at home.