It was discovered missing by customs inspectors overseas, where the rap-rocker arrived on his way to an undisclosed location to perform for U.S. servicemen and women as part of an MTV/USO holiday television special.

The guitar was last seen at his Michigan studio, where it was packed in a large case with a number of other guitars and then transported to the airport along with other equipment. Also missing was a handmade rhinestone and beaded guitar strap embroidered with the name ROCK.

The performer had hoped to play the guitar live on stage for the first time during the taping of the MTV/USO show. “I just want to get it back,” he said.

MTV is producing a holiday concert for troops featuring Jennifer Lopez, Kid Rock and Ja Rule.

“For the Troops: An MTV/USO Special” will air on New Year’s Day, with MTV’s “TRL” host Carson Daly. MTV News crews will follow the entertainers as they mingle with soldiers, and servicemen and women will be interviewed.

The show was taped at an overseas military base, but MTV did not reveal the site or the date of the concert, citing security concerns.