ZZ Top Stay Home For Rare Show
Even as the announcement for ZZ Top comes, two others have dropped off the bill citing scheduling conflicts. Phil Vassar and Jamie O’Neal will not be appearing as previously planned. They were originally scheduled for the February 21 slot, which is now being filled by ZZ Top.
Vassar and O’Neal fans need not fret, though. They have already signed on for next year’s event, which will take place in Reliant Stadium.
ZZ Top last toured in the first bit of 2000 when they hit the States, Australia and New Zealand. They had plans for a European tour to follow, but when bass player Dusty Hill announced in May that he had been diagnosed with the Hepatitis C virus, any immediate gig plans were nixed as he recovered.
During an interview in January of 2001, Hill said that the band was in the infancy stages of preparing a follow-up album to 1999’s XXX. No news yet on how the new disc is coming or when it will arrive.