A Canadian Prince
Tickets for the Clear Channel-sponsored tour go on sale May 24 at $99 and $150 a pop. It’s not clear yet if Prince will be offering advanced tickets to his New Power Generation Music Club members as he usually does.
However, NPG card carriers can’t complain about much. Prince recently mailed out copies of his new album, One Night Alone, to members of the club, who were the sole recipients of the disc. The album included songs from his recent One Night Alone tour and featured Prince playing piano sans band. There are three more members-only albums planned to be released by the end of the year.
After his Canadian shows, Prince will retreat to the Paisley Park Studios for Xenophobia – a seven-night-long open house featuring Prince and special guests Musiq, Sheila E., Rachelle Ferrell, Maceo Parker, Norah Jones and others. Xenophobia is another members-only deal.