A quick look at the itinerary finds Some Girls in clubs and pubs around the East Coast of the States. More dates are expected to be added to the schedule, possibly bringing the trio out West.

It took a Blake Babies reunion in 2000 to remind Hatfield how much she enjoyed her musical collaborations with Love.

“I love playing with Freda and wanted to continue working with her after The Blake Babies was pretty much played out,” Hatfield said. So it seemed natural the two singer/songwriters would hook up and start work on a new project.

Love’s friend, the multi-instrumentalist Gluck, was recruited to round out the group and work on the album was soon underway.

Some Girls’ debut, Feel It, is due out September 9 and features Hatfield on guitar and lead vocals; Gluck on bass and backing vocals; and Love pounding the skins.

Hatfield also has plans to release an album of her own sometime next year.