Nine dates have been announced, running October 5-16 and encompassing two shows in Boulder, Colo. Other places Gordon will visit include San Francisco, Chicago, Cincinnati, Philadelphia, New Haven (Conn.), Boston and New York City.

Backing Gordon is an all-star ensemble featuring James Harvey (keys), Gordon Stone (pedal steel and banjo), Josh Roseman (trombone), Scott Murawski (guitarist), Jeannie Hill (vocals and tap dancing), Julee Avallone (vocals and flute) and Doug Belote (drummer).

Guitarist Kaki King is supporting on all shows.

Gordon’s solo debut album, Inside In, was released last month. The disc is a complement to “Outside Out,” Gordon’s first full-length feature film, and finds various guest musicians such as Jon Fishman (Phish), Bela Fleck, and Col. Bruce Hampton.