And they’re not letting up in 2004 either. Still playing casinos and theatres through the end of the year, Trick Pony break for a couple weeks and head back out January 21 in Minnesota. They keep on trucking around the States through August.

There are large holes in the band’s schedule right now, which leaves fans to hope the group will fill them in with more shows. Trick Pony aren’t afraid to head off the beaten path and it’s very likely they will do that with next year’s itinerary.

In addition to a heavy touring schedule, Trick Pony are also slated to host a couple non-music-related events.

The first up is the band’s third annual First Pitch celebrity softball game and concert. For two days in February (15-16), the band and a bunch of baseball players, singers and celebrities will take over Scottsdale, Ariz.

For a measly $15 a ticket, attendees get to see the game and a concert. Proceeds go to a number of charities.

Second up is the Price Oil celebrity golf tournament, which the band has been invited to host, March 28-30 in Florida.

Sure, they’ve got a packed calendar. But Trick Pony don’t seem to mind. The band’s Ira Dean explained, “It’s something we want to do, we have to do. We love it. As much as we play right now, if we take two weeks off, we’re assholes to be around because we want to be back out on the road playing.”