Tours de Farce: Do The Hustle
Yeah, I know what I said. I said Bruce Cockburn, Todd Snider and Blake Shelton are coming to your town in February and March. What I should have said is that there’s a 50-50 chance that they’ll play your market.
He’s Pete Rose, and he’s going to tell you everything you need to know about concerts in 2004…
However, the odds are pretty good that Yonder Mountain String Band and Cannibal Corpse will be playing near you.
Baseball’s Mr. Hustle will give you the inside skinny on all shows big and small…
What are the chances that Metallica will come to your town this year? That depends. If you live in one of the major markets, like New York or Los Angeles, I’d say the odds are in your favor. However, if you’re in one of the smaller markets, perhaps Remus, Michigan, or Scotty’s Junction, Nevada, then I’d have to say that the odds are 99 to 1 against.
Want to know if your favorite band is coming to town? Just ask Pete…
People keep asking me if Guns N’ Roses are going to tour this year. Do you know what I tell them? I tell them that it all comes down to the roll of the dice.
With years of major league baseball experience, Pete Rose will show you the ins and outs of today’s concert picture…
It’s just like last weekend. I mean, if someone had asked me last Friday as to the odds on whether or not Britney Spears would get married in Vegas over the weekend, I would have said 100 to 1 against. But then, what do I know? I’m not even in the Baseball Hall Of Fame. Yet.
Pete Rose will tell you everything you need to know to make all the smart decisions about concerts…
Toby Keith? 3 to 1. Rich Robinson? 25 to 1. Barenaked Ladies? Even Steven.
No one looks at concerts like Pete Rose…
What’s that? You want to know who’s playing at your local amphitheatre this summer? While nothing is carved in stone, I’d wager good money that Jimmy Buffett is a sure thing.
Be sure to join us every day as Pete Rose brings you the latest line on concerts…
Lynyrd Skynyrd, Greyhounds and Rod Stewart? What the heck do I know? It’s all just a crapshoot anyway.
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