They say that our workforce of 9,417 men and women often reminds them of the cliques and groups one finds in the educational system. We’re not sure where they got that idea. But then, we’re much too busy handling dates for Rainer Maria and changes for the Robert Earl Keen and Lulu to partake in any kind of inane psychological self-analysis to really pay attention.

But it wouldn’t surprise us if they got that high-school feeling after visiting our data processing pits. Maybe they noticed operator #691 popping her bubble gum as she passes notes to operator #591 while plugging in dates for Clint Black and Bryan Adams. Or perhaps they caught a glimpse of operator #581’s jacket loaded with medals awarded to him for venue spelling and support-band organizing on the Vans Warped Tour.

But then, maybe it was our tech department that reminded them of grades 9 through 12. After all, those pocket protectors and gang colors often spark a twinge of nostalgia. But they’re the folks who keep our servers humming with dates for Young Dubliners and Bob Dylan 24/7, so we try to ignore their dress code violations, as well as all the leather, tattoos and skin piercings that they insist upon wearing.

Or perhaps it’s our sales department that reminds them the most of high school. They see our sales staff leaving their expensive sports cars parked in their private spaces to face another day of selling ad space for routings such as the new Magnum schedule or the latest Danzig itinerary. Yeah, they think they’re something, they do, with their pearly white teeth and perfectly groomed hair, and… and… Oh, God! WE WISH WE WERE LIKE THEM!

But we’re not. Sigh…

On the other hand, maybe it’s our news department that reminds visitors of their high school days. But then, we really don’t know what they do on that side of the building, for they’re always on the phone talking about bands like Van Halen and artists like Ricky Van Shelton and Ty Herndon. But we never talk to them. You see, our principle… er… our boss has told us that we shouldn’t bother them because they’re way past deadline on the 2004 yearbook.

Yeah, a lot of visitors to have remarked on how our operations remind them of their years in high school. Maybe it’s the pep rallies we hold in the gymnasium after completing the schedules for Sting and The Strokes. Maybe it’s the locker inspections and unannounced drug testing that seems the most like high school. Or perhaps it’s just that mad rush out the door when the 3 p.m. bell sounds that gives us that high school look. To tell you the truth, we just don’t know what it is that makes most people think of high school when they think about

Of course, we might think differently if we had actually taken the time to go to high school. Such is life.