Danny Sugerman Dies

Longtime Doors affiliate and co-manager Danny Sugerman died of lung cancer January 5th at his home in West Hollywood, Calif.

Sugerman, 50, was a teenager when he first saw Ray Manzarek, Robby Krieger, Jim Morrison and John Densmore in concert in 1967 and landed a job answering the band’s fan mail. The Los Angeles native was a guiding force behind The Doors for more than 30 years, Densmore said in a statement.

Sugerman chronicled his experiences with Morrison and the band in “No One Here Gets Out Alive,”co-written with Jerry Hopkins, and his own struggles with heroin addiction in “Wonderland Avenue: Tales of Glamour and Excess.”

Sugerman was active with the Drug Policy Foundation, NARAS’ MusicCares Foundation and Musicians’ Assistance Program.