Bob Dylan and Merle Haggard are kindred spirit singer/songwriters; one is country and the other a little bit rock ‘n’ roll.

These should be rollicking shows, with Bob bringing along his band and Merle appearing with The Strangers.Amos Lee will come along for the ride as well.

Intimate theatre gigs with two superstars of the caliber of Dylan and Haggard don’t come around very often, and most of the tour dates confirmed so far include extended runs.

“The Bob Dylan Show” kicks off March 7 with a three-night stand at Seattle’s Paramount Theatre and heads down the West Coast, hitting Portland, Ore., and Las Vegas, though Haggard won’t be on the bill at the Aladdin Theatre show.

The caravan then rolls into Hollywood for what will surely be a historic five-night run at the Pantages Theatre in Hollywood March 21-23, 25 and 26.

The only non-West Coast shows on the itinerary to date comprise a five-night stand at the Auditorium Theatre in Chicago April 1-3, 5 and 6.

Chicago is a regular stop on most Dylan routings, but the shows there will mark Haggard’s first appearances in the Windy City since 1998.