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Trevi Misses Tour Launch

Mexican pop diva Gloria Trevi‘s comeback tour has gotten off to a rocky start. She disappointed about 2,000 concert-goers in Hidalgo, Texas, when she didn’t make it to an April 8th show at Dodge Arena because of a flight delay from Mexico City.

The concert, which was to kick off her American Trevolution tour, has been rescheduled for May 12th.

A report in The Monitor of Texas said that “sources” close to Trevi confirmed the singer was having problems getting a visa to enter the United States stemming from her much-publicized incarceration on charges of kidnaping, rape and corruption of minors. Trevi was acquitted on all charges and released last September.

Dodge Arena GM Jeff Schumacher said he was told by the promoter before the concert that everything was in order. Trevi was scheduled to arrive by private charter around 9 p.m. It wasn’t until after the show started that he found out Mexico’s Madonna wouldn’t make it.

“I was told she was having visa problems earlier that day, which she was resolving. At some point, we basically told the promoter if it’s not resolved, we need to cancel early so we can start to get the word out,” Schumacher told Pollstar. “I was told around five o’clock she had the visa and they had the plane. We even held the doors a little just to be sure, and I was told she was on the plane.

“I wouldn’t have opened, obviously, if she wasn’t going to be here.”

Once Schumacher got the bad news, venue staff let the crowd know what happened. He said Trevi’s fans handled the news well under the circumstances.

“We did announce that night the reschedule date of May 12th and let everybody know to hold on to your tickets, or if you want a refund, to come in Monday afternoon,” he said. “We’ve done some refunds [but] the higher percentage of people, as of now, still have their tickets.

“Obviously, people were upset but they were very calm about it. We didn’t have any issues at all, actually, with that part of it.”

Schumacher also said Trevi did take questions from members of the press who were at Dodge Arena via speaker phone.

Local promoter Salvador Canchola told The Monitor that Trevi was ready to leave for the show, with visa in hand, at 5 p.m. and that she was “very disappointed she didn’t make it here on schedule.”

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