Was Kasabian Bottled Off?

The first date of Kasabian‘s U.K. tour ended in chaos as the act quit the stage when guitarist Serge Pizzorno was hit by a projectile thrown from the crowd.

After nearly an hour of the band’s April 23rd show at Glasgow’s Carling Academy, Pizzorno was felled when what appeared to be a bottle hit him on the temple.

Academy general manager David Laing “utterly refutes any suggestions that a glass or glass bottle was involved in any way.”

He said the venue is proud of running “a completely glass-free bar service operation” and seemed to discount the possibility of anyone bringing any in. However, on March 21st, someone managed to smuggle a gun into the company’s Brixton Academy and fire a couple of shots into the roof.

“It is unfortunate that the irresponsible, totally unacceptable actions of one individual, who was clearly determined to circumvent every procedure, rule and precaution, caused inconvenience to our other customers enjoying a fantastic concert by one of the most exciting bands in the world right now,” Laing said of the Glasgow incident.

He blamed what he described as a tiny minority of individuals at football matches, concerts and other large public events throughout the country who feel it is somehow acceptable or entertaining to throw coins, drinks and other objects at performers and other audience members.

After Pizzorno was helped from the stage needing medical treatment for a head cut, the rest of the show was canceled.

Although he seemed in little doubt about what caused his injuries, Pizzorno did manage to stay reasonably good-humoured about the incident.

“After being hit in the forehead with a bottle I was advised by a doctor not to continue the show in Glasgow last night,” the guitarist said in a statement. “It is such a shame the actions of one person took the shine off what was an amazing night.

“I would like to thank Glasgow fans for all their support. Please throw women’s knickers and bras from now on.”

After having six stitches to seal up the wound, he recovered in time to play the band’s second sellout show at the 2,700-capacity venue and the tour continued.