ICC, Global Spectrum Make Nice
The split resolves a litigious relationship. Global Spectrum recently got the courts to approve a temporary restraining order against ICC after the latter tried to terminate Global Spectrum’s contract at Dodge Arena, according to the Monitor newspaper.
ICC was contracted by the City of Hidalgo-Texas Municipal Facilities Corp., which owns the facility, and in turn hired Global Spectrum for day-to-day operations. City Attorney Fred Biel told the paper Hidalgo put ICC “on notice of some issues that the city had with ICC under the contract.”
Biel declined to comment on the complaints, but in its termination letter, ICC reportedly accused Global Spectrum of “incurable” material breaches, and said ending the contract would enable ICC to “remedy the many resulting issues caused by Global Spectrum under the management agreement.”
In the end, the two companies publicly made nice and divided their properties.
“This new agreement is an ideal conclusion for both of our companies,” Global Spectrum Chairman Peter Luukko said in a statement. “It became apparent as we conducted our day-to-day business that we could no longer co-exist as joint venture partners. We both agreed it was necessary to sever our relationship and continue operating as separate companies.”
ICC President of Global Entertainment Rick Kozuback thanked Global Spectrum in turn and wished it success in its endeavors.
“Additionally, we look forward to not only meeting but exceeding the various operational needs of Dodge Arena,” he said.