Daily Pulse

The Point Pulls Up Stakes

Unable to come to a new lease agreement with its current landlord in Bryn Mawr, Pa., The Point announced it’s pulling up stakes and looking for a new place to call home.

“Our plan was to invest a considerable sum of money into upgrading our kitchen, adding a liquor license and interior renovation,” The Point owner Richard Kardon said. “Due to the landlord’s concerns of how our liquor license would impact the neighborhood, we were unable to come up with a lease term that would justify that kind of a financial investment.”

While he’ll be “aggressively” seeking a new location, The Point is moving its shows to The Colonial Theatre in Phoenixville and continuing to produce outdoor events.

The club, though tiny at just more than 100 capacity, has seen the likes of Norah Jones, Angie Aparo, Richie Havens, Kasey Chambers and Karla Bonoff grace its stage in the last five years.

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