Frontier Denies Kylie ‘Insurance Blunder’

Frontier Touring Company has dismissed as “incorrect” a report in Britain’s Daily Express that Kylie Minogue may have to pay millions of dollars for her delayed Showgirl tour of Australia.

According to the report, her insurance did not cover an extended period of ill health. Minogue was diagnosed with breast cancer a few days before the Australian tour began and had surgery in Melbourne. She is getting more radiation treatment in Europe.

Frontier has not canceled the tour. Only 5 percent of the 200,000 ticket buyers had requested their money back, the promoter said.

Press reports in Australia estimate that, based on a 6 percent interest rate, the revenue could be earning over $110,000 in interest a month. Frontier declined to comment on financials, but managing director Michael Gudinski said any profit would be donated to a charity of Minogue’s choosing.

— Bryan Jones