The Red Hot Chili Peppers and Weezer were scheduled to play in a parking lot next to the Strip on July 2nd, but organizers have decided to relocate the show to the soccer fields next to Sam Boyd Stadium, according to the Las Vegas Sun.

That means there should be easier parking for the 50,000 attendees, easier access to the site, and the grass – rather than asphalt – should make for a more comfortable concert experience. Mayor Oscar Goodman called the change of venue good news and stressed the comfort factor.

Some officials apparently questioned if 50,000 fans could fit into the parking lot, which caused event organizers, and city and Clark County officials to look for an alternative location.

By the way, this may be the 100th anniversary of Las Vegas, but it’s just the first of many such occasions for the city. Nevada legalized gambling in 1931, which would make for a pretty important anniversary. Better yet, it was in 1946 when mobster “Bugsy” Siegel opened The Flamingo.

Legend has it that Siegel was driving through the small city of Vegas when he had the vision of turning it into a gambling Mecca.