Canadian Promoter Fined

Ontario promoter Mark Zurevinsky and his two companies were fined CDN $53,894 (US$43,372) several weeks after pleading guilty to four counts of income tax evasion.

The Ontario Court of Justice imposed a personal fine of $22,936 on the Thunder Bay-based Zurevinsky June 28th, according to the Canada Revenue Agency. His MAZ Concerts was fined $15,788 and MZ Productions received separate fines of $6,700 and $8,470.

In all, Zurevinsky failed to report more than $300,000 (US$241,400) in income for himself and his companies from 1996 to 1998, the agency said.

Zurevinsky pleaded guilty June 2nd, according to the Thunder Bay Chronicle-Journal. The fines imposed were the maximum requested by the federal prosecutor and matched the amount of taxes evaded.

The agency previously imposed civil reassessments against Zurevinsky and his companies totaling $187,838 (US$151,167) for unpaid federal and provincial taxes, goods and services taxes and interest.