Morgan Gets Life But Megaman Waits

So Solid Crew member Carl Morgan, 24, has been jailed for life for murdering Colin Scarlett, but an Old Bailey jury failed to reach a verdict on band leader Megaman, who will be held on remand for a retrial.

Passing sentence October 28th, Judge Brian Barker, the Common Sergeant of London, told Morgan, “Gun use is the scourge of our streets and causes misery and distress.

“The message must be all one way – that it will not be tolerated.

“You expected eyewitnesses would be cowed into silence and that ploy very nearly succeeded.”

Judge Barker directed that “life” should mean Morgan does 30 years behind bars before he’s even considered for parole.

The court heard that Morgan gunned down Scarlett, also 24, in Tooting, South London, November 6th last year.

On the night of the shooting, Morgan had an argument with the mother of his first child (Elisha McFarlane), who had moved on and become Scarlett’s girlfriend.

McFarlane called Scarlett for backup, claiming the So Solid Crew member had assaulted her. When Scarlett arrived with a couple of friends, he and Morgan began fighting in the street.

Prosecutor Richard Horwell told the court, “There’s no doubt that Carl Morgan was the loser.

“To have lost the fight to Colin Scarlett was an act of humiliation.”

Later, Morgan returned with Megaman – who was charged under his real name of Dwayne Vincent – and confronted Scarlett. After a gun battle that Horwell had described as being “more reminiscent of the Wild West,” Scarlett was left dying from three bullet wounds.

“Morgan escalated this relatively trivial dispute to one of extreme retribution. Mr. Scarlett had but hours to live,” Horwell said.

Vincent, 26, denies murdering Scarlett and has given evidence saying that he didn’t urge Morgan to carry out the shooting. His retrial date has been set for March 20th.

– John Gammon