Don Ho Recovering

Don Ho was recovering at a hospital in Bangkok, Thailand, December 6th after undergoing an experimental stem cell procedure on his heart.

The 75-year-old Hawaiian singer underwent a procedure that involves multiplying stem cells taken from one’s blood and then injecting them into the heart in hopes of strengthening the organ. The treatment is not approved in the United States.

Supervising surgeon Dr. Amit Patel said Ho, who was given a pacemaker a few months ago, is doing well and has been moved out of intensive care.

“His prognosis in terms of recovery from surgery, thus far, is good,” Patel said. “In terms of singing, it would really be up to him. I would not be surprised if he’d be able to sing by Christmas, if not before.”

Spokeswoman Donna Jung said the performer was expected to leave Bangkok in about two weeks.