Kinky Drinky

Kinky Friedman, who is running for governor in Texas and known to some as “The Frank Zappa of country music,” won’t be charged with a misdemeanor for taking a sip of beer that was handed to him while riding in a car during a St. Patrick’s Day parade in Dallas. He was serving as grand marshal in the parade while volunteer supporters helped gather signatures to get him on the November ballot.

Texas law prohibits opened alcoholic beverages in the passenger area of motor vehicles. The maximum fine for a Class C misdemeanor is $500. Dallas police didn’t cite Friedman and have said they can’t do so after the fact because it wasn’t witnessed by an officer.

Friedman defended his actions in a written statement, saying, “Guinness is the drink that kept the Irish from taking over the world. It would be unthinkable not to have a Guinness during a St. Patrick’s Day parade. In fact, it would be spiritually wrong.”

Friedman has a storied musical past. His 1970s band, Kinky Friedman & The Texas Jewboys, was known for politically incorrect titles and songs such as “Ride ’em Jewboy” and “Wild Man From Borneo.” The band’s third album, Lasso From El Paso, featured Bob Dylan and Eric Clapton.

He even toured with Bob Dylan & The Rolling Thunder Revue in the ’70s.