Hunka Hunka Cease & Desists

Pity the theoretical process server who could descend upon 15,000 potential Elvis impersonators at the Collingwood, Ontario, Elvis festival this summer, if CKX magnate Robert F.X. Sillerman cracks down.

CKX now owns the rights to Elvis Presley’s image and could, in a change from the family’s previous blind eye, obtain injunctions against the porkchopped, track-suited Elvii that flock to the festival.

According to, it’s not an impossible scenario, however amusing the mental image might be. It cites investment firm Bear Stearns, which quoted Sillerman as saying, “Impersonator shows can, if properly done, extend the brand … [But] we have to be careful to not deprecate Elvis’s legacy or to damage our authorized and official Elvis shows.”

Currently, the Collingwood festival pays $5,000 for the privilege of using the King’s image, which must be submitted for approval. It’s doubtful the 15k Elvii do.