Daily Pulse

Moonshine At The Crossroads

Roanoke Rapids, N.C., authorities were expecting trouble when Hank Williams Jr. and Gretchen Wilson performed at the Carolina Crossroads September 23rd. But the worst it got was 76 different alcohol-related violations including moonshine in the venue’s parking lot.

State Alcohol Law Enforcement Agent Brent Massey told the Roanoke Daily Herald that agents were ready for anything from the crowd, which was estimated at about 30,000.

“They were surprisingly calm crowds from all the horror stories we had heard from other venues that had this show. They were saying how many fights were coming,” Massey told the paper. “We were pleasantly surprised that we didn’t have that big of a problem. I think we got the better end of it.”

Of the reported violations, two were for moonshine. One man was busted with a Mason jar of hootch and cited for possession of non-tax-paid liquor. A second man was caught with four gallon jars and four quart jars of the firewater — in different flavors — and was charged with possession for sale of alcohol without permits and possession of non-tax paid spirituous liquor, the Herald said.

The Williams / Wilson concert was the third in a series at the entertainment complex held to raise money for the Children’s Miracle Network. The series is reportedly a warmup to the grand opening of the $129 million, 1,500-capacity Randy Parton Theatre next spring.

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