Cop Tasers Guitarist …

A Houston police officer responding to a noise complaint October 13th at Walter’s on Washington, a 300-capacity bar and live music venue, discharged his Taser at least four times in a melee that ensued after he told a guitar player for San Francisco-based country rock band Two Gallants to turn down the volume.

The incident was caught on video and posted to YouTube within hours, attracting international attention.

It’s not clear how or why the fracas occurred, but the Houston Police Department told the Houston Chronicle that Officer G.M. Rodriguez received a noise complaint from a neighbor and discussed it with the club’s management, which the HPD said complied with a request to turn down the volume. As he was leaving the club, police told the paper, the volume went right back up.

Sgt. Nate McDuell told the paper that Rodriguez then returned and confronted guitarist Adam Stephens on stage, who allegedly used a sexual obscenity and shoved the officer with his shoulder.

Rodriguez then attempted to arrest Stephens charging assault, and forced him to the stage floor.

Stephens disputed that version of events to the Chronicle.

The guitarist said he was singing on stage just before he turned and saw the officer, who then shined a flashlight in his face and order him to “stop.” After asking why, Stephens told the paper Rodriguez grabbed him by the neck and forced him to the floor.

Accounts vary, but three videos posted to YouTube clearly show the officer walking through the club with a flashlight and approaching the band on stage. None clearly shows the actual shoving of the officer or his use of a Taser, but McDuell reported that the officer was grabbed by several people from behind, including one whom the officer said grabbed for his service pistol.

At some point, Rodriguez removed a cartridge from his Taser so that it would discharge “dry stuns,” according to McDuell, who acknowledged the Taser was used three times.

Rodriguez reportedly suffered cuts and bruises. About six patrol cars arrived and four people were arrested, and a bass guitar was broken, according to the Chronicle. Two fans were reportedly hit with the Taser, and Stephens said he was Tasered twice in the stomach.

Stephens told the paper the officer was “extremely violent from the start. It was frightening.” McDuell responded that the officer’s actions were commendable and that it was fortunate he used a Taser rather than a more deadly weapon.

“An officer gets attacked by dozens of people in a club who have been drinking,” McDuell told the Chronicle. “If anything, the officer was abused.”

Club owner Pam Robinson told the paper she wasn’t there when it happened but added, “I’m sure it will all get straightened out.”

Pollstar was unable to contact Robinson at press time.